“We could live in Harmony if we really wanted to, but Depravity proves to be a more Lustful venture;” say the Demons.

I know not my Neighbor. And nor do I Harbour any ENFERMEDAD 0 DAÑO upon thee.

If He/She/It does not bother me or step over the invisible line, then why should I make ODIO where none exist?

I know not of the RITUALES 0 CREENCIAS one may hold.

Who am I to Dictate what Tú can and cannot do, or more so, what Tú should or should not do? You are a free-thinking entidad. Therefore, I do not have PROPIEDAD SOBRE USTED .

I do not know of the Evil-Doings, or perhaps the Frequent Brush-with-Charity such a Thing has; HASTA Él/Ella request mi Atención.

La decisión es mía to decidir:
¿Un Demonio Disfrazado 0 un Verdadero Humano?

Que comience la batalla.

Let the Battle Begin.

"Podríamos vivir en Harmony si realmente quisiéramos, pero Depravity demuestra ser una empresa más lujuriosa", dicen los Demonios.